Books I’m Looking Forward to in 2015

I’ve been wanting to do a post like this for a while, mostly so I remember to keep an eye out for these books. But I also think that this is a good way to find out about books you might not have known about, specially if you have common interests with the person writing […]

Behind the Cover – Jon Smith
(The End Games, by T. Michael Martin)

Today’s artist, Jon Smith, is the illustrator of The End Games by T. Michael Martin, published by HarperCollins. Thank you for your time, Jon! Twitter | Facebook How did you become a designer and illustrator? Were they areas you always wanted to explore, or did it simply happen? As a kid I was really serious […]

End of Year Book Survey 2014

I found this fun survey by Perpetual Page-Turner that I thought would be interesting to do! Feel free to do it too and link it to me, or comment with your own favourite books! 2014 Reading Stats Number of books you’ve read: 40 Genre you read the most from: Science Fiction (category would be YA) Best […]

Behind the Cover – Tom Bagshaw
(Pantomime and Shadowplay by Laura Lam)

Our first artist is Tom Bagshaw, the creator of the Pantomime and Shadowplay covers, written by Laura Lam and published by Strange Chemistry (Angry Robot). Thank you, Tom, for joining us! Twitter | Facebook | Tumblr | Instagram Based in the Georgian city of Bath, England, Tom Bagshaw works as a commercial illustrator under the moniker Mostlywanted. For […]

Behind the Cover – New Blog Series

As some of you might know, besides being a writer I’m also a designer and aspiring illustrator. In a way to unite all those interests, I wanted to start a new blog series about book covers and illustrations, where I’d interview the artists behind some of the covers I love and admire. And so, I’m […]

#PitMad Pitch Critique

#PitMad is quickly approaching (December 4), and since this year I won’t be participating I thought I could help instead – by critiquing your pitches! #PitMad is a pitch party created by Brenda Drake where writers can tweet a 140 character pitch for their completed manuscripts. You should have different variations of your pitch so you can show […]

Word Counts in Large Amounts

My latest worries (which my inner editor keeps taunting me about at the worst times) are about word count. Is this chapter too short? Are things happening too soon? Should I add more random words here? Can I even write a long book, or is that impossible for me? So I started to do a […]